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pain receptor中文是什么意思

用"pain receptor"造句"pain receptor"怎么读"pain receptor" in a sentence


  • 痛觉感受器


  • Severe burns stop hurting after a while because the burns damage the pain receptors in the skin
  • As pain receptors are absent in our retinas , we may not feel immediate pain while our eyes are being injured . worse still , symptoms of visual impairment will begin to appear hours after irreparable damage has already been done
  • The danger to vision of inadequately protected viewing of the sun is significant because light - induced retinal injuries occur without any feeling of pain ( there are no pain receptors in the retina ) , and the visual effects do not occur for at least several hours after the damage is done
    在不适当的保护下观测太阳是极度危险的,因为光照造成的视网膜损伤是不会产生痛楚的(视网膜上没有痛觉神经) ,以及视网膜会在受损后最少数小时后才会出现徵状
用"pain receptor"造句  


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